mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "No Such Thing"; John Mayer
Wearing: Black button down with ruffles and jeans
Feeling like: The other side

Tuesday, Feb. 25, 2003

Tee hee! Sometimes I'm so horrible I surprise even myself. I don't have a ton of time but here's what happened in a nutshell:

~We were talking about musicians and he said that he really liked Nora Jones and I made a face and said that I didn't think that raspy sound was a good sound for female vocalists, but men like Bryan Adams make it sound sexy. And I guess I smiled or something because he made some comment about how cute I was when I got all flustered.

~ I was hanging out in the band room with a couple of upperclassmen boys when one of them decided to show us the best way to his on a girl. And he pulled the sneeze and a couple that I didn't know but he used me as the girl, but. . . he's also taken.

~February caught me looking at him during choir and he just gave me one of those smiles that says "How you doin'" Grrowl!

Okay gotta run, dinner calls!

last stop | next stop

mind the gap