mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Something by 'N SYNC (I'm on a pop kick again)
Feeling like: You could be my everything

Wednesday, Oct. 09, 2002

So I'm going to write as much as I can in 20 minutes! Here goes. So last night Dustin was over here and Like when he was over here on Monday, Adri told me that it's obvious that he's into me. Then yesterday, all day, it was like I didn't even exsist! I don't get him! Crystal and I were talking and she says she thinks he's a player, because he's all sugary to me than he acts the same way with other girls. I don't know, but I still really like him. And today he's all sugary again. Like after he got out of chamber choir, he was complaining about his hands being cold and he goes "here feel" and grabbed my hands and he said my hands were warm so I sat there holding one of his hands in mine to warm them up and I didn't even notice it, but somehow I managed to end up sitting on the table and he was standing in between my legs. And I was holding his hands, I didn't realized how we looked, but during class Rachel asked me if we were dating. It caught me totally off gaurd, and he just smiled at me when he heard. I don't know what to think. Shoni reads guys really well and she says that to her it really looks like he's into me and I know I'm babbling on about nothing and everything but I can't help it, it'snatural. I babble about everything. But I just don't know. . .

Did I write about my ass? The other day Dustin was in here and I was doing something, I don't remember and we hit me in the ass, but the heel of his hand hit me right on the tailbone and not I have the weird looking bruise on my ass.

Oh and I've come to the conclusion that college kids are accident prone. I have gotten so many bruises and bumps and scrapes since I've been here I don't even know!

Oh! and I got a letter from Nichelle today! I felt so cool! I got mail! Thanks Nik! It was a great day!

But I have to go and make copies for my accominist before I meet with her at five and I have a meeting at 700 for the revue. I'll let you know if anything exciting happens!

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mind the gap