mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: DJ 'N'
Wearing: Nothin' yet
Feeling like: Where's your head at?

Wednesday, Jul. 10, 2002

Full Name: Courtney Elaine

Nick-names: Court, Courtie, Marilyn
B-day: 2/28/84

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 160 lbs, but I'm working on 140!

Complextion: Very light

Hair color: Blonde

Hair texture: Wavy/curly

Eye color: Green


Color: Pink

Bands/Singers: Incubus, Hoobastank, John Mayer, Jason Mraz

Hobby: Singing, cooking, writing, yoga

Book(s): "Kiss My Tiara: How to Rule the World as a Smart Mouth Goddess" by Susan Jane Gilman, "The Autobiography of Vivian," "Vivian Lives," and "The V Spot" by Vivian Livingston as told to Sherrie Krantz, "Why Girls are Weird" Pamela Ribon

Top 5 Movies:

5. Swordfish

4. American Beauty

3. Mean Girls

2. The Matrix

1. Life as a House

Website(s): Vivianlives.com, EnjoyIncubus.com.

Food: Chinese, Pizza, Chicken (anyway but fried) and Velveta shells and cheese.


~The only thing I hate more than packing is unpacking! They are the most stressful acts in the entire universe!!

~I have three plants! Brandon, Nicolette, and Antharax. I also have a sister, Molly, and a dog, Louie.

~I'm a big nerd I spend a lot of time reading and writing about nithing in particular.

~As much as I hate to admit it, I'm a hopeless romantic, waiting for my knight to ride up on his white horse.

~I hate to admit even more that as much of a romantic as I am I strongly believe that that's never going to happen. Yes, there's someone out there for me. No, he's not a knight in shinning armor. Oh well!

~I've been in love once. It was the best and worst thing that's ever happened to me. It made me feel better than I've ever felt before and worse than I've ever felt before. Love how that works!

~After I get my BA in Music Education I want to go to Keele University in Stafforshire, England and get an MS in Music Psychology.

~Just like most men name their penis I have named my brests and my "special place" (as Stweart would say) and no, you can't know their names! ;-P

~I am completely fascinated with the city of London and the whole of the UK actually. I would love to live there someday.

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mind the gap