mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: All you wanted
Wearing: nada
Feeling like: To keep me hangin' on

Saturday, Oct. 19, 2002

One of my favorite lines from "Life as a House" goes something like this "Sometimes change can be so constant that you don't notice you've changed until it's over" I realized this tonight. I've changed. But I don't know how much of it is me changing or how I'm living. I'm trying to live my life they way I believe it should be led. More spirituality and less superstitiousness (is that a word?). More positive then negative. More good than bad. I'm not saying that things in the way I used to live are bad, I'm saying they're different than how I really want to be. Something was missing. It's still missing, but I know I'm going to find it soon. I can feel it. It's like when someone has made popcorn and the smell is so intense that you can taste it. That's what I feel like. Like what I need, what's missing, is just around the corner. So close it's brushing my fingertips. If it were fire I'd be burnt right now. So what do I do? I feel as if "I'm on the road to self discovery" and I keep getting lost. Funny huh?

last stop | next stop

mind the gap