mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "The man in the Moon"; Harry Connick Jr.
Wearing: The $4 pants and a $5 shirt, all Old Navy, and $60 candies! Oops!
Feeling like: 'Cause he's in love with the girl in the world

Thursday, Feb. 06, 2003

Crisis struck last night. I can't go into detail but there was a suicide involved. It wasn't a close friend, but suicide is always hard. She said that the last time they talked was a fight. Then I started thinking. I can't remember the last thing I said to my old friends, what if one of them died tomorrow, how would I feel. So I e-mailed them. It sounds selfish, but it was all for me. I had to tell them that I was sorry for whatever I did. I had to tell them that I was sorry for doing whatever I did.

Then it snowed.

Everything looks better in the morning.

Campus is covered in a shroud of innocence.

We all look like the college brochure.

Talking and laughing so our faces don't freeze.

Bundled up in coats and cute hats.

We look perfect.

It's a strech to say that we now have to go and ist in class where all the students and even the professors are acting a little crazy. It's fun. To smile and laugh. And then I see her and I want to cry for her because she doesn't want people to know, she doesn't want people to feel sorry for her. I want to help her and I don't know what to say. I wanted to tell her that he was in a better place. Then she told me that he detested God. I don't know how to make her feel better.

It's going to be a long weekend.

last stop | next stop

mind the gap