mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "Always"; Saliva
Wearing: Clothes
Feeling like: I love you, I hate you, I can't get around you!

Wednesday, Mar. 26, 2003

Once again I fall into this great basin set to the side of my life to worry about things. Listening to October talk about how happy and in love he is with his boy makes me so damn lonely. And I don't understand why no one will love me. And we all know I'm just blowing lots of air because many people love me, just no who I want. I need to get over this stupid shit. It's crap! Why Can't I just feel happy again? I don't know whatever. Thanks to Clay last night, my new anthem is "Someone Else's Star" by Bryan White. I'm downloading it now. December's song is "Always" by Saliva. I love him I hate him. I don't know.

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mind the gap