mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "Battle Flag"; Lo Fidelity Allstars
Wearing: pjs
Feeling like: We aim to please

Wednesday, Jan. 29, 2003

Jelousy rages inside you. I feel sorry but do not know how to make you understand. He was my friend. I liked the music. I liked his writing. Don't hate me.

On a lighter note. Have you ever had a conversation with someone where you were sure there was some chemistry going on and all you wanted to do was point it out? Yeah, I had one of those today. This hottie (and I mean hell-yeah-shake-what-your-momma-gave-you-hottie)from down the hall and I had this great conversation while we walked back to the dorms and he held the doors and waited until I got my room unlocked and everything. What a gentleman! I was swooning. Grrrowl! Break me off a piece of that!

There's a basketball game this weekend. I'm looking forward to taking out the weeks aggressions on an unsuspecting ref.

last stop | next stop

mind the gap