mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: TV
Wearing: An old navy polo and my ass pants
Feeling like: News

Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2003

Pretty normal day, but I got a (sexy ass) smile and a energetic "Good Morning" Very hot. I know it's pathetic and it doesn't mean anything but eh, whatever.

I spent about a half an hour on crywithwords's page last night, she wanted me to put up a teplate for her. I felt so needed. It's a good layout, I really like it.

My other fabulous news it that I scored a 90/100 on diaryreviews. Woo hoo. She reccomended drop downs I don't know, maybe.

I hurt. I feel dizzy and faint. And I have a voice lesson today.

I think I'm going to declare English for my minor.

last stop | next stop

mind the gap