mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: "A Certain Shade of Green" Incubus; S.C.I.E.N.C.E.
Wearing: n/a next week. . .next week!
Feeling like: You gonna stand around to 2012 AD?

Friday, Oct. 04, 2002


Before the real of this entry starts, I would just like to point out that biscuts in a can are the SHIZ-NIT!


Horray for the weekend!

I am having the greatest day. I think I passed my Theory exam. I don't know how I really did, but I'm pretty sure I at least passed! But Yea for passing theory!

Annnnnnd Although I did not get an A on my first Civ essay(I am not able to disclose the actual grade) I got an A on the write up we had to do about Plato! YEA for getting an A on the Plato write up!

I had my very first college recital today (we had to sing a broadway piece, so that sucked) and I kicked some major ass! I didn't do the best I could, but what I did was still really good! Yea for doing good at my recital!

It's Friday. Yea for being Friday!

I'm listening to Incubus, S.C.I.E.N.C.E., my FAVORITE album. Yea for listening to Incubus!

I am just in the greatest mood.


So aside from all of that. . .

Nate now has a D*Land diary. You can see it here. I'm a bit scared and I feel a bit guilty about reading his personal thoughts, maybe that's because I liked him so much, (there's more about this in the other!)but I don't know. I do know that his page is funny as all get out! It's freakin' hysterical!

We're going to see "Sweet Home Alabama" tonight. I really like Reese Whitherspoon, she's absolutley beautiful, she has a beautiful daughter, and a sexy ass husband, Ryan Phileppe. What more could a girl ask for?

I'm in another "baby phase" I want to fast forward my life so that I'm married and have a baby! I want to have kids so bad, not right now, in the future, I just want KIDS!!!! Avorie used to say she was horny for kids, but not in THAT way! I miss her, she made me laugh!

Until the night. . .

last stop | next stop

mind the gap