mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: Something by Josh Groban, I'm not really listening.
Wearing: 45+ flights and the normal ab stuff
Feeling like: FU*K THE WORLD

Wednesday, Sept. 25, 2002

Tonight was depressing. I went to Nevs to watch "Murder by Numbers" and ended up staying to watch "Sweet November" BIG mistake. I got so damn depressed that I don't even know how to write about it. Oh yeah, Nate was there. That's why I'm into this mess. Just like always I've told him how I feel, and now I've talked myself out of liking him. It's retarded! I hate this! It's fucking stupid. What did me in was he started talking about some of his friends at school had found some girl that was just "perfect" for him. I know that he shouldn't have to limit his conversations while I'm around, but it just really hit me. Like, see here's this girl he's describing and she's short and has "brown hair to the middle of her back" and she swing dances. And he got all excited! And I was standing there mentally saying "Court, you're tall, you have blonde hair, and you can't dance. Why would he, or anyone for that matter, want you?" It's stupid, I know, it's just stupid. It's stupid, stupid. . .

last stop | next stop

mind the gap