mind the gap

Please don't leave me!

Hearing: the TV
Wearing: Same as this morning!
Feeling like: There's something going on now

Friday, May. 31, 2002

Good news, no I take that back,m wonderful news! I'm takin' the internet with me on vaca! God bless my Dad! He's taking the laptop with us. He says that it would take way too much time to go through all the mail that would accumulate during the two weeks. So he's taking the laptop so that he can clear out his mailbox and I can keep in touch with my home girls and up with my diary! Woo-hoo!

On a more personal note! Conor has made another entrance in to this wild performance that I call my life. He was at my party on Saturday and I couldn't keep my eyes off him! Now I can't stop thinking about him! I keep thinking how I used to feel about him! Even though he was with Kristen (okay, "with" maybe too weak of a term attached is more like it) I just wanted it to be me so badly. Anymore I think about it, and I don't really want to be with him (I don't know why I said that, of course I do)I want to be close to him! I want to talk, and laugh, and joke, and walk, and kid, and hang out with him! I don't know what I'm going to do! Ugh I want him so bad!

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mind the gap